Kawasaki Z Owners Queensland

When and where do the Z-Owners club meet?
Who is the current President of the Qld Z-Owners?
How do I join the Qld Z-Owners?
I don't have a Kawasaki motorbike, can I still join?
When is the next Conondale Rally?
What is the entry fee?
Where is Conondale?
I am not a member of your club, can I join your website?
What do I get for my $50 membership?
When and where do the Z-Owners club meet?
Our club meets on the 1st Sunday of every month at the Fernvale Hotel, currently we do not have a club house. You can contact the club via email and we will reply with the location of the next meeting. zownersqldwebmaster@hotmail.com
Who is the current President of the Qld Z-Owners?
Our current President is Michael De Marchi.
How do I join the Qld Z-Owners?
You can join our club by contacting our club secretary and attending a general meeting .
I don't have a Kawasaki motorbike, can I still join?
Yes as a social member.
When is the next Conondale Rally?
The next Conondale Rally will be in March 2024... date to be advised.
What is the entry fee?
Entry into Conondale is $30.
Where is Conondale?
Green Park, which is on the Maleny / Kenilworth Road, about 5km before the Conondale township!
What do I get for my $50 membership?
Upon joining our club you get a club patch and t-shirt. You also get to participate in club activities, rallies and rides. Plus you become eligible for club rego (bike must be 30 years old minimum) after 12 months of active membership.
Still have questions? Feel free to Contact Us