Kawasaki Z Owners Queensland

Innot Hot Springs Ride - September 2018
In true NQ form Thor (the god of thunder) heard the Zeds purring along the highway from Townsville, Cairns and Charters Towers and decided that as the Zeds where making the thunder then he would have to open the clouds and give us the rain. (ya for us) It hasn’t rained in Cairns for 58 days, but just had to for this weekend. Dave, Nooga, Graham, Poolie, Andy and I with Andy’s friend (just came for a ride), left Cairns for the tablelands in misty rain and light showers.
Innot Hot Springs is found between Ravenshoe (which boasts the highest pub in QLD) and Mt Garnet, 153km S/W of Cairns and 369km N/W of Townsville. Though not many km it has numerous ranges to get there.

If anyone has ridden the Gillies range you would know what 19km of 263 bends with its 800m elevation is like to ride, but when the range is wet it has a charm all of its own that makes you slow down and admire all the pretty rainbow patterns all over the road. Once on top of the range we seemed to have missed a lot of the rain and just had wet roads. The mandatory stop at the Malanda bakery was taken where Dizzy from Cooktown joined our ride then onto Gentle Annie lookout where it felt like snow clouds (yes we know it doesn’t snow up here, but it sure felt like it) then on to our glamping (we booked out all the cabins that the park had). We beat the 17 Townsville riders which included Ray and Beno who flew up and rode Hazza’s bikes by 2hrs, some excuse of a 6 cylinder bike playing up. What a line up when they got there, meet and greet, drinks, food, and a soak in the pools.

The 6 pools are natural mineral spring water which comes out of the ground at 75 each ranging in temperatures, with a warning sign not to stay for too long in the hottest pool or you will cook. So as not to lead to any one falling ill, no photos are supplied of Z owners in these pools.

By the end of the night we were well feed and some of us merry, even enough to dance to the local band. Early morning start to a cooked breakfast at the pub then said our goodbyes. Wet ride home for us Cairns folks, and dry for the Townsville riders. So apart from Dave’s sparkplug fouling up, Graham’s fuel line splitting, Alans van breaking down and Hazzas 6 playing up there where no mishaps on the ride. I’ll let the pics show how good friends, a great location, good food and a great ride can make for a top weekend.
From up North